Humans of MBS: From Our Home to Yours
April 27, 2020

Julia Berman ’22 takes a break from doing work to smile for the camera.
Where is home for you?
Julia Berman ‘22: “Echo Lake Camp, it’s in Upstate New York. My favorite part about it is just like everything, seeing my friends, and just being there makes me so happy.”

Stef Fernandes ’21 believes in love over fate.
Do you believe in love or fate?
Stefanie Fernandes ‘21: “I believe in love because I feel like there’s always going to be someone out there for you, I don’t think there’s “fate” where two people are destined to be with each other. Love is a connection where you give your heart to someone else and if they reciprocate it, that’s love.”

Dylan Strauss, James Broyles, and Jackson Scully share their thoughts.
What are your thoughts about growing up in New Jersey?
Dylan Strauss ‘22: “I would rather live in pretty much any other state. It kinda sucks… taxes are too high, there’s a lot of traffic, the weather sucks, I don’t like the beach. There’s a lot. I like nothing about New Jersey.”
Jackson Scully ‘22: “I would rather have grown up in another state because the weather here isn’t that good. It changes too rapidly and I would rather live in Florida where it is sunny all the time.
James Broyles ‘22: “I don’t have a preference.”

Dr. Atwater discusses the foundations of her love of art.
Where did your love for art come from?
Gretchen Atwater (Faculty): “My mom wanted to be an art student but in those days women couldn’t go to college when they got married. So, she was an art major for a while. She liked art, and as kids we would go to the library and an art museum every weekend. My love for art history stems from my first year of college. I took an introduction to art history class and I felt like I was in Heaven. I didn’t know that there was such a thing as a course that put together beautiful objects with history and language. I just fell for it, a hook, line, and sinker. It was a discipline made entirely for me.”