Crimson Sun


The Crimson Sun is a 4-12 page newspaper available in print and online through the website or on It is written primarily for the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Morristown-Beard School and is distributed free of charge to all members of the school community.

The Crimson Sun provides information and entertainment in addition to various viewpoints on debatable issues. We will not print anything that is deemed libelous, obscene or in poor taste. We reserve the right to edit or withhold anything submitted and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when necessary.

If you are interested in joining The Crimson Sun staff in any capacity please contact one of the editors-in-chief Sloane Fiverson ([email protected]) or Charlotte Sussman ([email protected]) or our faculty advisor Ms. Kirschenbaum ([email protected]).

All opinions/perspective pieces should be emailed to our perspectives editor Jerry Meranus ([email protected]).